Phillip Becnel | Getting Started / Writing Process / Stories

The managing partner of Dinolt Becnel & Wells Investigative Group LLC and the author of two investigative books, Philip Becnel has been a private detective for twenty-five years. His first book, Introduction to Conducting Private Investigations, is on its third edition and has sold over 10,000 copies. His second book, Principles of Investigative Documentation, came out in its second edition in January 2024. Philip’s firm specializes in plaintiff-side employment litigation and qui tam investigations, but he investigates “anything worth investigating.” He has testified as an expert witness, including about the reasonable standards of documenting an internal investigation. He has a bachelor’s degree in anthropology from George Mason University and a master’s in criminal justice from Boston University. He is a licensed private investigator in Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C.


Dinolt Becnel & Wells Investigative Group LLC:

Principles of Investigative Documentation: Get the book