Jennifer Mondino | TIME’S UP Legal Defense Fund / Getting Started
Jennifer Mondino is Director of Legal Programs, TIME’S UP Legal Defense Fund. Immediately prior to joining the National Women’s Law Center in August 2018, Jennifer spent eight years as a Senior Trial Attorney with the Special Litigation Section of the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), where her practice focused on pattern-or-practice investigations of police departments and other law enforcement agencies, including litigating and negotiating settlement agreements to resolve investigative findings. She played a leading role in the DOJ’s investigation of the Baltimore Police Department, litigation against Sheriff Joseph Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, the investigation of law enforcement in Missoula, Montana, the DOJ Civil Rights Division’s first pattern-or-pattern investigation to focus on the collective law enforcement response to allegations of sexual assault, and in drafting the DOJ guidance released in 2015 on preventing gender bias in the law enforcement response to sexual assault and domestic violence. During her tenure with the DOJ, she also spent a year on detail as an Attorney Advisor with the DOJ’s Office of Violence Against Women (OVW), where she provided policy advice to the Department and legal counsel to OVW and its grantees.
Ms. Mondino’s legal career has been focused on civil rights and women’s rights issues, with a particular emphasis on legal advocacy on behalf of undocumented women and survivors of sexual and domestic violence. Her previous experience includes working for the Center for Reproductive Rights, the Civil Rights Bureau of the New York State Attorney General’s Office, the Safe Horizon Domestic Violence Law Project in New York City, and the international law firm Mayer Brown LLP. She received her J.D. from the New York University School of Law and B.S. from the University of Virginia.
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